Author : admin


It’s been a long time since my last waffle and, let face it, who’s actually reading these? If you’re one of the 3 people who are, thank you for visiting. I hope you’re having a good week and the dumpster fire that is global politics isn’t taking too much of a toll on your psyche. […]

On The Road Again

Left the country three times this year…THREE WHOLE TIMES. Weekend break (France), 6-day work trip (Italy) and 10-day holiday (Spain). It felt like lifestyles of the rich and famous being able to get back to overseas travel again for the first time in 2.5yrs. Dublin Airport, my old flame, hasn’t changed a bit. Terminal 2, […]

Canon Fever

It’s been some year. I lost track of what level of lockdown we were in by the start of May. That ‘I’m so lucky to live where I do’ positivity started to wear thin around January when I had walked my 500th kilometre in the same 5km radius and I ran out of trees in Phoenix […]

The Escape Artist

I’m not gonna lie…life is not that exciting of late. If you are flouting all the rules, living your best life for the last 6mths then you may not feel my pain but if you, like me, don’t want to be a plague-spreader then you’ve been up to very little, and your social circle has […]


For some photographers. i.e. me, social isolation is a delight. Lack of people crowding my shots, absence of screaming children, general peace and quiet. Although none of us could stray very far from home over the last few months it’s made me appreciate what’s on my doorstep a lot more. Turns out that’s a bunch […]

In the Trade

All those years of Lens Envy (refer to previous ramblings) finally got me to the point of having too many lenses. What’s that saying… “comparing yourself to others gives you a pain in the face and a lighter pocket”? Anyway, you get my point, I acquired too much camera equipment over the years, most of […]

Deep Fried South

Visiting new places has always been one of my favourite things to do. Couple that with my love of photography and you should have the perfect situation. I say should for three reasons. I have a lot of heavy equipment, nothing looks as good in pictorial form as it does in real life – except […]

Banking On It

I’ve ended up inadvertently doing a tour of my spiritual home, the People’s Republic! Shutter to Think moved from Dublin to Dunmanway in August and next stop is good old Pana in Cork City for the month of September! The Bank of Ireland Workbench on Patrick Street is kindly hosting my work as Artist in Residence for […]

The Exhibitionist

I love a good show so I decided to put one on myself, minus the drama and theatrics. I hummed and hawed about doing an exhibition for so long and then when I finally got sick of listening to the voices in my head, I booked a space and started planning. The work that has […]

Here Come the bRides

As you may have noticed from previous posts here I’m no Annie Leibovitz when it comes to taking pictures of people, yet despite this I was asked to be the official photographer for two friends’ weddings this year and next. While I was very honoured to be asked, clearly they never listen to anything I […]

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